Who doesn’t know this?
Melancholic sags, mood lows and slumps in self-confidence!
But what does this have to do with menstrual cramps, unfulfilled desire for children and loss of libido?
In both areas, the hormonal system plays a key role!
The control cycle of hormones
The boss in the hierarchy of hormones is our pituitary gland, a small, bipartite, hormone-producing gland located in the diencephalon. It sends hormones into the bloodstream that control the thyroid, testes and ovaries as well as the adrenal glands. It also controls hormone production of the cuddle hormone oxytocin, the growth hormone GH, and the sleep hormone melatonin. For all psychological complaints, the stress axis from pituitary to thyroid and pituitary to adrenal glands is of particular importance – for PMS, unfulfilled desire for children and loss of libido, especially the interaction between pituitary and the sex hormone-producing glands.
How to study the hormones
As is often the case, there are two camps when it comes to examining hormones. Some prefer to examine hormones in blood, others in saliva. Both approaches are justified. But which is really better?
Examining hormones in the blood
The examination of hormones in the blood reflects the actual amount of hormones as produced by the glands and released into the blood. It can therefore be used to determine glandular function. In addition, the blood test is a relatively accurate test, in which measurement errors are small.
But unfortunately it says nothing about how much of the hormones actually arrive in the cells in the tissue-active form.
Examining hormones in the saliva
The study of hormones in saliva reflects the actual amount of hormones as they arrive in the tissues and cells. Thus, it provides information about the part of the hormones that actually “works”. The examination of saliva is more error-prone than that of blood, because more errors can occur, especially during the collection, which is left to the patient himself (at home). If the saliva is contaminated by blood that escapes from the gums when the teeth are brushed too thoroughly, the measurement result is invalid. The same applies in the case of contamination by food.
With a good doctor or alternative practitioner, The method of choice…
… always depends on what is to be found out. Cortisol, an important hormone of the adrenal gland and indicator of stress, is much better evaluated in saliva, preferably as a daily profile. In the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children, however, it is also important to know whether enough hormones are being produced and not just whether enough are arriving. In that case, a blood test makes sense. Other hormones, such as DHEA, can be measured well both in the blood (stable) and in saliva (as a daily profile).
It all depends on the right point in time
Women before menopause should pay attention to the fact that when the sex hormones are measured, it depends on when they are measured. With regular cycles of about 28 days, this should happen around the 20th day of the cycle, whether measured in blood or saliva, because then the results are meaningful.
Interpreting the results correctly
Based on the results, deficiencies and excesses can be precisely identified. Then the question still needs to be clarified whether it is the boss or the employee, i.e. whether the pituitary gland or the following hormone gland is impaired. This can be recognized by your physician or alternative practitioner from the overall picture of all examined parameters..
Treat correctly
An excellent way to support and harmonize the acute hormonal situation is to work with bioidentical hormones. These are not artificially modified, but are structured like the body’s own hormones and are therefore particularly well tolerated. If there is a major deficiency of cortisol or progesterone, for example, it makes sense to prescribe these in higher percentages, e.g. in a cream that is absorbed well into the skin. If the deficiency is not quite so great, creams enriched with a potentized form of the bioidentical hormones in D4 are often sufficient. For highly sensitive people, globules are even more suitable, usually also in D4, which act even more gently, because fewer D4 dilutions fit on the globules than in a cream.
Please don’t forget!
Any hormone therapy is incomplete if it remains only pure substitution. Every imbalance in the body has a cause that wants to be discovered and subsequently regulated. As is so often the case with hormones, it is important to take into account the intestines and the liver, as well as the balance of tension and relaxation, stress and rest. But that’s another topic again….
Test your hormones now?!
Do you have questions concerning hormones or so you want to check your hormones? I’m glad to answer your questions via praxis@weber-heilpraktiker-
Your alternative practitioner
Sebastian Weber
Important note: The treatment methods mentioned in my blogs originate from empirical medicine. The majority of these established, medical therapy methods have not yet been sufficiently scientifically validated according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (orthodox medicine). In particular, randomized, controlled studies or comprehensive meta-analyses do not yet exist. A success of the empirical medical therapy forms cannot be guaranteed in every treatment case.