Trauma therapy
The term trauma comes from the Greek language and can be translated as the word “wound”. According to the scientific definition, trauma is a psychological condition that arises from a bad experience that causes a shock to the human psyche as well as strong feelings of helplessness and defenseless abandonment. Trauma therapy pursues the goal of coping with traumas that have arisen physically and emotionally, integrating them and moving forward in life in a self-determined manner and being able to successfully cope with everyday life again.
Healing overwhelming experiences
Many traumas remain untreated for a lifetime and cause long-term psychological and physical problems. However, effective therapeutic approaches are now available that can help to deal with or resolve the effects of trauma. The therapy proceeds in various successive steps:
- Initial interview and evaluation
- Stabilization
- Reconditioning
- Integration

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What are the types of trauma?
According to the Traumatology Rating Scale, a distinction is made between two types of trauma. Type 1 trauma is caused by a traumatic experience that occurs once and is rather “short-lived” in terms of lifetime. Type 2 trauma, on the other hand, involves repeated experiences over a longer period of time, which can then lead to chronic traumatization. In addition, technical terminology often distinguishes between accidental and man-made trauma. Accidental trauma can usually be traced back to accidents or catastrophes, while man-made trauma is caused by the use of violence by other people or abuse. It is important to consider each trauma individually based on the individual patient.
How can I tell if I have trauma?
If you suspect you are suffering from trauma, you should seek professional medical support, as the consequences of an untreated trauma sequelae disorder can be far-reaching and severe. Consequences of trauma can affect all areas of your life. However, there are initial signs that you may observe in yourself or in people around you that can provide clues to the presence of trauma. Symptoms include:
- Overexcitement (e.g. in the form of tension, restlessness)
- Re-experiencing (e.g., nightmares, intrusive memories).
- Avoidance of situations or activities
- Dissociation (e.g., “drifting off,” memory lapses).
- Panic attacs
- and more

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Can trauma be tested ?
Es gibt verschiedene testdiagnostische Verfahren, um eine Traumatisierung festzustellen. Im Internet findet man zahlreiche Onlinetests, welche aber nicht immer dafür geeignet sind. Wenn Sie Symptome einer Traumafolgestörung an sich wiedererkennen, sollten Sie nicht zögern, sich professionelle Unterstützung zu suchen! In meiner Praxis kann ich Ihnen mit anerkannten Testverfahren eine Diagnose stellen und anhand dieser Ergebnisse wirksame Behandlungsmethoden einleiten.
There are various diagnostic tests to determine trauma. You can find numerous online tests on the Internet, but these are not always suitable. If you recognize symptoms of a trauma-related disorder, you should not hesitate to seek professional help! In my practice, I can make a diagnosis for you using recognized test procedures and use these results to initiate effective treatment.
How does trauma manifest?
Initially, trauma can often be psychologically debilitating, causing the affected person to lose their mind as weil as to lose concentration and comprehension. In addition, the trauma often causes recurrent anxiety and increased irritability and restlessness. The traumatic experience can repeat itself again and again in one's own world of thoughts, whether in nightmares or through unpleasant memories or images that arise in everyday life. Sleep disorders and aggressive behavior can also occur more frequently. In addition, those affected often avoid specific situations, places or stimuli that are related to the traumatizing experience. Everyday life is often heavily burdened and difficulties arise in various areas of life.
Does all trauma originate in childhood?
Children are much more dependent on other people in the family and environment than adults. Since children are much less able to help themselves in extreme situations or are usually hardly able to defend themselves, trauma occurs more quickly in childhood than in adulthood. Nevertheless, trauma-related disorders can of course also arise in adults, often as a result of catastrophes, accidents or the experience of violence.
What is transgenerational trauma?
Transgenerational traumas are traumatic disorders that are transmitted from generation to generation. The trigger for this can e.g. be a traumatizing war experience, which is later reflected negatively in the upbringing and dealing with one's own children. The thus impaired psychological development of the children has an equally traumatic effect and means that even the generation of grandchildren can suffer from it if the cycle is not broken. However, this negative spiral can be worked through with appropriate therapy.
What is developmental trauma?
In contrast to shock trauma (Trauma with a capital T), which is caused by one-time or recurring bad experiences and influences, developmental trauma (trauma with a small t) occurs differently. This form of traumatization often develops through a lack of attention in early childhood or through drastic experiences of loss. Such traumas are often difficult to recognize, since they develop in phases of life for which, as a rule, no memories accessible to language are available. Memories of this time are therefore more of a physical nature, for example in the form of discomfort, tremors, sudden excitement in certain situations, nausea or other symptoms.
What is the aim of Trauma Therapy?
Healing a trauma is a longer process in which dealing with and living with the consequences of a trauma is an important aspect on the way. Through trauma therapy, you can gradually experience more stability and security in your life with the help of benevolent and encouraging support. The aim is for you to be able to create and enjoy your life again according to your own ideas, so that in the end you can say: "Even though something terrible has happened in my life before, today it no longer frightens me."
The treatment methods described here and on further pages originate from empirical medicine. The majority of these established, medical therapy methods have not yet been sufficiently scientifically validated according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (orthodox medicine). In particular, randomized, controlled studies or comprehensive meta-analyses do not yet exist. A success of the empirical medical therapy forms cannot be guaranteed in every treatment case.