Depression, Anxiety Burnout
More and more people in Germany suffer from depression, are burnt out or have fears they can’t get rid of. And then there is the shame, because one would prefer not to have something like that at all. But seeking professional help for psychological problems is not a personal defeat, it is often the only way out!
I want to know what's wrong with me! I need a really good anamnesis and diagnostics.
Are you ready to learn about the causes of your problems? Then it’s best to make an appointment right now or book a free initial consultation!
I am totally listless, scared, don't feel like doing anything and just feel bad!
Do you want to feel at ease again and completely at home in your own inner being? Then make an appointment right now or book a free initial consultation!
I feel as if I am standing next to myself, as if I am often not even there and life is passing me by.
Do you want your life to become brighter again? Then make an appointment right now or book a free initial consultation!
Food & Me? - There's a problem!
Are you ready to enter into a new relationship with yourself and your nutrition? Then it’s best to make an appointment right now or book a free initial consultation!
Methods that are used:
Logotherapy and existential analysis according to Dr. Viktor Frankl is also called the “Third Viennese School” of psychotherapy, alongside Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and Alfred Adler’s individual psychology.
In logotherapy, the “individual sense” is the focus of therapy. The person who knows “what for” discovers strengths and resources that help them overcome psychological and physical suffering.
Logotherapy can be used for depression, burnout, anxiety, compulsions and sense of meaninglessness, as well as in prevention or couple problems.

Body therapy is a manual procedure that includes physical and psychological aspects in equal parts in the treatment. Breathing and the autonomic nervous system are considered as a crucial interface in body therapy. The goal of body therapy is to help people to arrive completely at themselves, to be in the here and now, to be able to deal well with all emotions and to have a pain-free moving body.
To achieve this goal in the best possible way, manual work is done on the body as well as a therapeutic conversation.

Vital and metabolic analyses
With the normal blood test, you get a few values that are only relevant if they are outside the reference range. In the vital and metabolic analysis, more than 50 parameters are examined and related to each other in order to record and assess the current metabolic process in its entirety.
In addition, targeted examinations of the hormones in the blood and saliva as well as the microbiome in the stool can provide further indications of diseases and their causes!
Based on this, the therapy with orthomolecular, homeopathic and phytotherapeutic medicine is carried out.

Immune system test setup
The Immune System Test (IST) according to Dr. Ingrid Fonk is a structured and empirically proven further development of electro-acupuncture (-diagnostics) according to Dr. Reinhard Voll. With the help of the meridians and Voll’s vessels on hands and feet, conclusions can be drawn about bacterial, viral, parasitic and mycotic stresses, as well as dental foci and dental material compatibility.
This method is a very interesting naturopathic alternative concept that has proven itself in my practice. However, there is no scientific recognition of the method through the presentation of valid scientific studies. Therefore, I always verify the results with the help of valid procedures from evidence-based medicine.
After completion of the diagnosis, a targeted therapy with homeopathic individual remedies and nosodes follows. Phytotherapeutic, spagyric and allopathic medicines as well as Schuessler salts are also used.

How does this therapy work in general?
- At the beginning there is a comprehensive anamnesis and cause diagnosis, which should make it possible to identify the cause of your complaints.
- A therapy plan is then drawn up, providing information about the expected costs, the frequency and duration of therapy, and an overview of which methods will be used.
- Now the therapy takes place at the agreed appointments. These depend in their duration and frequency on the method and your complaints.
- With regularly agreed interim controls and a final diagnosis, we strive to ensure the success of the therapy.
The treatment methods described here and on further pages originate from empirical medicine. The majority of these established, medical therapy methods have not yet been sufficiently scientifically validated according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (orthodox medicine). In particular, randomized, controlled studies or comprehensive meta-analyses do not yet exist. A success of the empirical medical therapy forms cannot be guaranteed in every treatment case.