Nutritional counseling

Many health problems have their origin in a diet that does not take into account the needs of our own metabolism. Therefore, professional and individual nutritional counseling is an important step towards better health and quality of life for almost every patient. Nutritional counseling is useful both as a support in the treatment of chronic and acute diseases and as a preventive measure. I look at each patient holistically and create an individual nutrition plan. Only by considering several physiological aspects as well as the individual lifestyle of a patient, concrete solutions for possible health problems or preventive measures can be found.

The blood type

During nutritional counseling, it makes sense to determine the blood type and thus the genetic metabolic imprint and to include this in the individual nutrition plan. Building on this, it is also advisable to analyze the blood on the basis of other parameters in order to track down the epigenetic metabolic imprint. Important parameters that are examined in addition to the blood type are, for example:

  • Carbohydrate metabolism
  • Protein metabolism
  • Hormone metabolism
  • Liver metabolism
  • and much more

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The individual metabolic burning type

Metabolic combustion describes the way how efficiently your body deals with different nutrients. In the past, clear definitions for different subtypes were often used here, although different overlapping areas are now considered, into which different body types can be classified. In principle, a suitable and healthy diet can be found for everyone, especially taking into account their metabolic burning type.

The epigenetic imprinting of metabolism

It has long been known that a mother’s lifestyle prior to child birth has a major impact on her child’s development both during and after pregnancy. It is not for nothing that expectant mothers are strongly advised not to consume any tobacco or alcohol. The same can also be applied to diet; an incorrect and unhealthy diet can manifest itself throughout life, e.g. in the metabolism or in other areas of the child’s life. This is precisely why it is important to recognize this or to be able to rule it out, because depending on whether an epigenetic metabolic imprint is present or not, various treatment and therapy methods are available.

Individual preferences and eating habits

Individual preferences in nutrition are different for each person, but are often based on early habits and emotional patterns. Healthy preferences and eating habits should be sustainably strengthened and consolidated. Once these are established, it is also much easier to discard unhealthy eating habits step by step. In order to find out which food and which form of nutrition best supports your individual goals and your overall health, I also consider the distribution and optimal need of different nutrients in addition to your eating habits. This includes the following sub-areas:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • and much more

You can find out how healthy your diet is with us.

Your own mental state

The psyche is a factor that has been underestimated so far when it comes to nutrition, but in my experience it is a very important factor. Because we eat not only to cover our calorie needs, but also to “nourish” ourselves emotionally. Almost everyone has their own examples of where food also fulfills important emotional needs. Be it your mother’s or grandmother’s favorite dish, the gummy bears in some offices, or the frustration eating after bad news or a particularly stressful day. We also associate food at particularly nice events or on vacation with important emotions.

Depending on our state of mind, we metabolize accordingly. Because when you’re willing to be more aware of what you eat and how and why you’re eating, then food can be truly enjoyable, nourishing, and beneficial to health.

What are nutrition-based complaints?

The consequences of an unfavorable diet can be far-reaching and of different nature. From joint pain to extreme fatigue, many problems and ailments can be traced back to diet. Especially in the case of chronic health problems, nutrition should always be considered as an important pillar. Typical complaints, which are usually related to diet, are, for example, digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, but also food intolerance, chronic inflammation, concentration problems and tiredness. In addition, a miscolonization of the digestive tract with certain bacteria or fungi as well as parasites or a general imbalance in the intestinal flora can lead to various complaints, or arise from complaints that have remained unrecognized for a long time. Then it is important to treat in the right order.

How does a session of nutritional therapy work?

During a general initial meeting, we first consider which different measures are possible. Because not every patient requires all analyzes or therapeutic measures. Therefore, we first discuss general complaints and/or suitable preventive measures. Depending on the result, a plan will then be drawn up for you with case-specific analyzes and applications and coordinated with any medication that may be necessary.

Why should you get nutritional advice?

Nutritional advice is particularly useful with regard to the course of acute and chronic illnesses and complaints, because nutrition is an important influencing factor in the treatment of the corresponding symptoms and their causes. But if you want to improve your quality of life in general or want to reduce your risk of getting sick, nutritional advice is also recommended.

What benefits arise from successful nutritional advice?

The benefits vary greatly depending on the individual case. A chronic course of a certain disease can be alleviated, acute symptoms can be improved or there is no problem at all, since individual risk factors have been reduced as a result of preventive advice.

The treatment methods described here and on further pages originate from empirical medicine. The majority of these established, medical therapy methods have not yet been sufficiently scientifically validated according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (orthodox medicine). In particular, randomized, controlled studies or comprehensive meta-analyses do not yet exist. A success of the empirical medical therapy forms cannot be guaranteed in every treatment case.