Sebastian Weber
Born 1988, married, 4 kids
Start of studies in sports sciences at the Technical University, Munich
Started working as a self-employed personal trainer and in 2012 employed as a therapist and operations manager at Kieser Training.
Beginning of the 3-year training as a logotherapist at the Viktor Frankl Center, Vienna
Opening of a practice as an individual and couples therapist and for the supervision of teams and executives
Training in nutritional psychology at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in Boulder, Colorado, USA
Specialization and training in the three areas of holistic laboratory analysis (with Lothar Ursinus), electroacupuncture (IST according to Dr. Fonk) and body therapy (various body therapy directions)
Obtaining permission to practice medicine without a medical certificate in accordance with the Heilpraktikergesetz (German Non-Medical Practitioners Act)
Assistance with the alternative practitioner Theda Sebald in Münsing at the Starnberger lake
Opening of the practice for holistic medicine in Germering near Munich

Guiding principles
The lifestyle that is right for us individually, the right diet, sufficient sleep and rest, restorative exercise/sport, meaning in work and in life in general, as well as nurturing relationships that provide security are the foundations for your health and well-being.
Again and again I experience with my patients and clients: too rigid rules and ideas prevent us from staying in the natural flow. Everyone is allowed to find his or her own way to the lifestyle that is beneficial for him or her and to take the time needed for it.
I will be happy to support you in this!
Because on the way we are confronted with various obstacles: illnesses, pain, physical and mental limitations, losses, unfulfilled desires and goals, unprocessed and unwanted emotions, restrictive thoughts, etc.
Usually, we just want to get rid of whatever is bothering us in our lives as quickly as possible. This is logical and understandable, and we sometimes succeed – but by no means always. In certain areas, we don’t get anywhere at all with this attitude. Then it helps to look more closely in order to recognize what the respective situation wants to tell us, what it is asking us to do.
Often, this requires letting go of something familiar and changing parts of our previous lifestyle. It is always a matter of leaving a dead end and finding a path that allows us to move forward freely again. But this only works sustainably if we are also prepared to develop ourselves further.
No matter where you are in this process, whether you are just unhappy with your suffering and want to get rid of it as soon as possible, or whether you have realized that you want or need to change something fundamentally, I support you to take the next step; because that is what it is all about now:
„Taking the one next step toward health and wellness that’s right for you.“